Category: Appetizer

Shrimp and Pork Wonton Soup 鮮蝦餛飩 ♥ Comfy Hong-Kong style at home!

I have not met someone who does not love wonton soup! It is comforting, nourishing, and delicious! It can be served as an appetizer or...

Smashed Cucumbers 拍黄瓜 ♥ Perfect Hunan side dish for BBQs

This Chinese cucumber salad is one of the small plates commonly served at Chinese restaurants while you are waiting for your order. Its fierce flavor opens...

Salt and Pepper Shrimp 鹽酥蝦 ♥ Cook like a master chef!

Why go to Chinese restaurant for salt-and-pepper shrimp if you can easily make it at home? The dish is surprisingly easy to make and so...

Japanese Steamed Eggs 蒸蛋 ♥ Fine art at its purest

No one can top my mother’s steamed eggs.  She lived through the period when Taiwan was occupied by the Japanese and her individual cooking style...

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